How to obtain a copy of the Bishop1877.GED file

The contents of the 1877 Genealogical account have been compiled by the author of this website into a GEDCOM file (Bishop1877.GED).   This file contains information about 574 persons from the earliest ancestor Sir William de Eynesford in the 13th century, down to his 21X great-grandson Henry Davenport Bishop (1846-1911), who was alive in 1877.

GEDCOM is a computer file format that lets genealogists swap information about their ancestors. The format is compatible with all genealogy software, so no matter what program you use, you can open a GEDCOM file that has been created with another program.  If you have a genealogy program on your computer (some of the most popular genealogy programs are:  Family Tree Builder, RootsMagic, Legacy, Family Historian, Family Tree Maker) you can download the Bishop1877.GED file from this website to your computer.  And then, if you wish, you can merge it with other Bishop family data that you may have gathered elsewhere.  There is no need to re-type the data.  If you use an online genealogy service, like Ancestry or MyHeritage, you can upload this GEDCOM file to create an online family tree using those services. 

You can’t use a GEDCOM file in other types of software, such as word processors such as MS Word, or web browsers such as MS Edge or Google Chrome.  It has to be used with a genealogy program, or an online genealogy service.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to obtain a copy of this GEDCOM file simply by clicking on a link on this website.  You will have to contact me by email and ask me to send you a copy.  My email address is